
1/ The Pope and the Duce, The International Impact of the Lateran Agreements
Peter C.Kent, 1981

2/ The Altars and Altarpieces of New St. Peter's, Outfitting the Basilica,1621-1666
Louise Rice, 1997

3/ The Latin Inscriptions of Rome, A Walking Guide
Tyler Lansford, 2009

4/ Daily Life in the Roman City:Rome ,Pompeii, and Ostia
Gregory S. Aldrete

5/ Medieval Rome, A Portrait of the City and it's Life
Paul Hetherington,1994

6/ Ancient Rome in Early Opera, Robert C. Lettered

7/ Christianity in Ancient Rome, The First Three Centuries
Bernard Green, 2010

8/ The Roman Forum
David Watkins, 2009

9/ The Pantheon
LESLEY A. DuTemple, 2003

10/ Vatican City
Edition Musei Vatican, Orazio Petrosillo

11/ The Vatican Necropoles, Rome' City of the Dead
Paolo Liverani, Giandomenico Spinola

12/ 羅馬精神, The Roman Way
Edith Hamilton 著, 王昆譯, 2008

13/ 條條大道通羅馬
塩野七生著, 鄭維欣譯, 2004

14/ Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, A Descriptive Catalogue
Japonica-Sinica I-IV
Albert Chan , S.J.2002

15/ 基督教在古羅馬:前三世紀/伯納德綠

16/ 古羅馬早期歌劇/羅伯特 C Ketterer

17/ 羅馬繼承:一個歐洲歷史從 400到1000 /克里斯韋翰

18/ 羅馬第一夫人/Annelise Freisenbruch著

19/ 論羅馬,死亡,愛/蒙田著,馬振騁譯

20/ 古羅馬:後藤克典製作;江裕真譯

21/ 古羅馬人的歡娛/諾埃爾羅伯特著;王長明,田禾,李變香譯

22/ 羅馬文明 /文明王鑫編著

23/ 羅馬文化/朱龍華著

24/ Rome - Robert Hughes, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2011

25/ Rome: an Oxford archaeological guide - Amanda Claridge, New York : Oxford University Press, 1998.

Thanks for your visit!