變位一法動詞 First Conjugation Verb

Latin : coept-ō, coeptāre, coeptav-i, coeptat-um
English : begin/attempt

主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive
直述語氣 Indicative 情意語氣 Subjunctive 直述語氣 Indicative 情意語氣 Subjunctive
現在時態 Present
(位,數) 1.sg coeptō coeptem coeptor coepter
(位,數) 2.sg coeptās coeptes coeptāris(-re) coeptēris(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg coeptat coeptet coeptātur coeptētur
我們(位,數) 1.pl coeptāmus coeptēmus coeptāmur coeptēmur
你們(位,數) 2.pl coeptātis coeptētis coeptāminī coeptēminī
他們(位,數) 3.pl coeptant coeptent coeptantur coeptentur
常過時態 Imperfect
(位,數) 1.sg coeptābam coeptārem coeptābar coeptārer
(位,數) 2.sg coeptābas coeptāres coeptābāris(-re) coeptārēris(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg coeptābat coeptāret coeptabātur coeptarētur
我們(位,數) 1.pl coeptabāmus coeptarēmus coeptabāmur coeptarēmur
你們(位,數) 2.pl coeptabātis coeptarētis coeptabāmini coeptarēmini
他們(位,數) 3.pl coeptābant coeptārent coeptabāntur coeptarēntur
將來時態 Future
(位,數) 1.sg coeptābō coeptābor
(位,數) 2.sg coeptābis coeptāberis(-re)
(位,數) 3.sg coeptābit coeptābitur
我們(位,數) 1.pl coeptābimus coeptābimur
你們(位,數) 2.pl coeptābitis coeptabīmini
他們(位,數) 3.pl coeptābunt coeptabūntur
全過時態 Perfect
(位,數) 1.sg coeptavi coeptaverim coeptatus -a -um sum coeptatus -a -um sim
(位,數) 2.sg coeptavīsti coeptaveris coeptatus -a -um es coeptatus -a -um sis
(位,數) 3.sg coeptavit coeptaverit coeptatus -a -um est coeptatus -a -um sit
我們(位,數) 1.pl coeptavimus coeptaverīmus coeptati -ae -a sumus coeptati -ae -a simus
你們(位,數) 2.pl coeptavīstis coeptaverītis coeptati -ae -a estis coeptati -ae -a sitis
他們(位,數) 3.pl coeptavērunt(-ēre) coeptaverint coeptati -ae -a sunt coeptati -ae -a sint
先過時態 Pluperfect
(位,數) 1.sg coeptaveram coeptavīssem coeptatus -a -um eram coeptatus -a -um essem
(位,數) 2.sg coeptaveras coeptavīsses coeptatus -a -um eras coeptatus -a -um esses
(位,數) 3.sg coeptaverat coeptavīsset coeptatus -a -um erat coeptatus -a -um esset
我們(位,數) 1.pl coeptaverāmus coeptavissēmus coeptati -ae -a eramus coeptati -ae -a essemus
你們(位,數) 2.pl coeptaverātis coeptavissētis coeptati -ae -a eratis coeptati -ae -a essetis
他們(位,數) 3.pl coeptaverant coeptavīssent coeptati -ae -a erant coeptati -ae -a essent
未過時態 Future Perfect
(位,數) 1.sg coeptavero coeptatus -a -um ero
(位,數) 2.sg coeptaveris coeptatus -a -um eris
(位,數) 3.sg coeptaverit coeptatus -a -um erit
我們(位,數) 1.pl coeptavērimus coeptati -ae -a erimus
你們(位,數) 2.pl coeptavēritis coeptati -ae -a eritis
他們(位,數) 3.pl coeptaverint coeptati -ae -a erunt

主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive 主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive
現在時態 Present coepta, coeptāte coeptāre, coeptāmini coeptāre coeptāri
全過時態 Perfect coeptavīsse coeptatum -am -um esse
將來時態 Future coeptatūrum -ūram -ūrum esse coeptatum iri

分詞 Participle 分詞 Participle 動名詞 Gerund 目的動名詞 Supine
主動語態 Acive 被動語態 Passive 屬格 Gen. coeptāndi
現在時態 Present coeptans, (-tis) 與格 Dat. coeptāndo
全過時態 Perfect coeptatus -a -um 賓格 Acc. coeptāndum coeptatum
將來時態 Future coeptatūrus -a -um coeptāndus -a -um 奪格 Abl. coeptāndo coeptatu

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The present website is compiled for an introductory Latin course at the Chinese University of Hong Kong by Dr. Louis Ha.
Copyright by Louis Ha, 2006.

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